TS2016 DTG UP EMD SD60M Physics Mod Pack
This is the Union Pacific EMD SD60M Physics & Sound Modification pack version 1.0
In order to utilize this freeware physics upgrade, you must own the "Train Simulator: Union Pacific SD60M Loco Add-On Loco Add-On" pack available at Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/222...
This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the physics enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.
The purpose of this pack is to make minor adjustments to the physics performance of the locomotive, fix the air brakes, and make minor sound adjustments.
List of changes:
Modified tractive effort and braking effort curves.
Modified power ratings @ alternator and @ wheel.
Set fuel capacity to 5000 gallons.
Set weight to 395,000 lbs.
Removed coupler slack.
Adjusted rpm range and rate of change.
Adjusted locomotive load response times.
Includes signature JohnS brake fix.
Includes JohnS throttle fix (throttle now snaps into preset notches).
Adjusted engine sound rpm range.
Removes alerter sound that plays when the independent brake handle is moved.
Technical specifications:
EMD SD60M (EMD 16-710G3A; 3800 THP)
Starting tractive effort of 137,066 lbs (610 kN)
Continuous tractive effort of 100,100 lbs (445 kN) @ 14.7 mph
Dynamic Brake effort of 70,285 lbs (313 kN) @ 25 mph to 10 mph; fade to 0 lbs @ 3.5 mph.
Wheel horsepower of 3,500 hp (2,612 kW) @ 21.5 mph
Maximum speed of 70 mph
Engine RPM range = 269 - 904
RPM change rate (rpm/second) = 25
Fuel consumption range (gph)= 3.1 - 184.7
Weight = 395,000 lbs (179.171 metric tons)
Fuel capacity = 5000 gallons
Max traction amps = 1650
Max brake amps = 820
IMPORTANT; Install Instructions
Locate SD60MPack01 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\SD60MPack01)
Open DTG_UP_EMD_SD60M_Physics_Mod_Pack.rar
Drag the file folders from the .rar in step 2 into the directory you opened in step 1.
The installation should be complete. Run TS2016 to check.
If installation is botched or does not work, to back up to original files, delete the folder from step 3.
Thank you for downloading and installing.
Enjoy =)