TS2017 EMD F59PHI Physics Mod V3.5b (Brake Fix)
This is the EMD F59PHI Physics Upgrade pack, TS2015 Edition Version 3.0 (MAJOR UPDATE; Brakes Fixed).
In order to utilize this freeware physics upgrade, you must have purchased the Pacific Surfliner Route Addon available at Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/222...
This is a freeware pack; in no way is it to be used for commercial purposes. You are free, however to further modify the physics enhancements found in this pack for personal use if you so choose.
THIS IS NOT A SOUND UPGRADE PACK. Physics adjustments made around the existing sounds.
The purpose of this pack is to correct some physics errors in the original F59PHI locomotive. In addition, as of the V3.0 release update, air brake function and performance has been fixed, courtesy of RWA member JohnS. His brake fix contribution is invaluable in improving the operability of the Surfliner train set.
Parameter Change Log:
Adjust Braking Effort curve to simulate realism.
Adjust amp limits according to EMD specs; Max traction amps = 1550. Max brake amps = 760.
Increased weight from 104 tons to a higher weight to simulate fully loaded locomotive and increase adhesion.
Decreased fuel capacity from 4800 gallons to 2000 gallons.
Air brake parameters on both F59PHI locomotive and Surfliner cab car fixed by JohnS to improve operational performance and address game bugs.
Brake pipe pressure (brakes released): 110 psi
Full service reduction: 32 psi
Brake pipe pressure (full service application): 78 psi
Brake cylinder pressure (full service application): 65 psi
This pack also includes the option to swap between the 12-710 engine and the 16-710 engine.
Specific locomotive parameters:
EMD F59PHI original (EMD 12-710G3A-T2; 3200 THP)
Starting tractive effort of 65,000 lbs (289.1344 kN)
Dynamic Brake effort of 35,000 lbs (145.64 kN) @ 55 mph
Wheel horsepower of 2,900 hp (2,400 kW); independent of HEP load
Increased weight of 120.5 metric tons (265,654.3 lbs)
Fuel tank capacity of 2,000 gallons
Maximum speed of 110 mph
2. EMD F59PHI upgrade (EMD 16-710G3C-T3; 4300 THP)
Starting tractive effort of 68,800 lbs (306.04 kN) up to 21.35 mph
Dynamic Brake effort of 35,000 lbs (133.446 kN) @ 55 mph
Wheel horsepower of 3,912.8 hp (2,920 kW); independent of HEP load
Increased weight of 130.636 metric tons (288,000 lbs)
Fuel tank capacity of 2,000 gallons
Maximum speed of 110 mph
IMPORTANT; Install Instructions
1. Open the following directory: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\PacificSurfliner"
Then open the "Railworks_F59PHI_Physics_Mod.rar.rar" file.
Drag folder from the .rar file into the directory opened in step 1.
Overwrite if prompted.
The installation should be complete.
Run TS2015 to check.
User's Manual: Upon installation, the pack defaults to using the F59PHI (3200 THP) physics. In order to switch physics, follow the steps below:
Open the following three directories:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\F59PHPack01\RailVehicles\Diesel\F59PH\Simulation"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\F59PHPack01\RailVehicles\Diesel\F59PH\Engine"
In each of those directories, you will see three folders (one for each set of locomotive physics):
"F59PHI (3200 THP)"
"F59PHI (4300 THP)"
Once you choose which set of physics to use, open the respective physics folder in all three directories from step 1.
Copy (CTRL + C) all files you find in the opened folder located in directory 1a.
Proceed back to directory 1a and paste (CTRL + V) the copied files into the directory; overwrite when prompted.
Copy (CTRL + C) all files you find in the opened folder located in directory 1b.
Proceed back to directory 1b and paste (CTRL + V) the copied files into the directory; overwrite when prompted.
If the previous 7 steps were completed properly, the physics swap should be successful;
run TS2015 to check.
Thank you for downloading and installing.