TS2020 Metro-North M2 M4 Mod Pack
This is the Metro-North M2/M4 EMU Mod Pack for Train Simulator 2020 (2/6/20).
You can purchase the DLC here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/114...
This pack tweaks some of the operating physics and enhances / replaces some of the sounds.
Change log:
Adjust braking physics; supplied sim.bin files for correct dynamic braking rates across various consist lengths.
Sim.bin files need to be manually swapped outside the game depending on train length being operated. View DLC review & mod release video for instructions.
Replace default horn with prototypical RS-2M recording. Many thanks to MrMaster767 [https://www.youtube.com/user/MrMaster767] for allowing use of his interior LIRR M3 horn recordings and to TheAudioShack for coding them into the train.
Adjust volume and pitch function of the DC motor sounds.
Additional preloaded consists, including mixed M2/M4 consists (coming soon).
Installation instructions:
Open the following directory: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets\Reppo\M2Pack01"
Open the "TS2020_Metro-North_M2_M4_Mod_Pack.rar" file
Drag all folders from the .rar file into the directory from step 1.
Physics & Sound mod installation is complete.
Run TS2020 to confirm
Thank you for downloading
enjoy =)